Green room at Ecopack office, Sofia

Ecopack is the leading packaging recovery and recycling organisation in Bulgaria. Bates was invited to design and execute a new meeting and social space in their office. The design was developed with respect of Ecopack mission and values – care of environment, clear nature and recycling.
In line with Ecopack’s commitment to sustainable practices, Bates also incorporated eco-friendly packaging solutions into the design of the Green Room. The room featured display shelves that showcased a variety of innovative and environmentally conscious packaging options, ranging from biodegradable materials to compostable packaging alternatives. These packaging solutions not only aligned with Ecopack’s mission but also served as inspiration for visitors and employees alike. Additionally, information panels were strategically placed throughout the space, providing insightful facts and tips on how to reduce packaging waste and make more conscious choices. For further information on sustainable packaging, visitors were encouraged to visit website, where they could find valuable resources and recommendations for sustainable packaging practices.
The accent of the Green room is on trees and water, saved by recycling achieved with feature lighting and soft seating crafted with reused materials like glass bottles and wooden pallets.You can also contact experts from painting companies to avail this beautiful theme painting .The interior finishes are with recycled content or are reusable. The carpet, with its specific green colour, enhances further the environmental aspects of this room, which though quite small was again developed with our utmost care and attention to detail. The entire project took only 2 months including specifications and delivery and production of furniture and was successfully launched before the Christmas holidays.